Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Initial Counseling - 631 Words

Date of Counseling: 17 October 2011 Subject: Initial counseling For: SGT Pereyra, Francisco J. 6. You are overall responsible for the accountability of your soldiers. I believe that soldiers should work smart and hard during the normal duty day so that we can maximize time off and maintain normal work hours. However, mission will at times dictate weekends or late nights upon approval from the Battalion Commander. We can avoid self-inflicted problems by keeping track of appointments, breaks, and other situations that interfere with the mission. Remember soldiers take the initiative when the example is set. All appointments will be brought to my attention at least 2 days prior, emergencies are understood but they should be†¦show more content†¦10. During this counseling session we have reviewed the working copy of your NCOER to include the rating chain, duty description, and examples of achievements that would constitute an excellent rating in each area of the NCOER and reviewed the bullets placed on your NCOER Checklist counseling. 11. I have also directed you to maintain a folder containing your achievements. You will bring this folder to our counseling sessions. I expect you to place copies of awards, letters, certificates, or any other positive information/event, (being coined, receiving external praise, by name mention during inspections) in this folder. Maintaining this folder will assist me in preparing a fair and accurate report. It also provides you a method of input into your evaluation report. 12. I would like you to take this opportunity to provide me with any comments concerning your reception/integration in the unit and any other areas or issues that you would like to surface at this time. Please make your comments in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper. If on a separate sheet of paper please indicate this in the space provided. I look forward to serving with you and would greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions. My door is always open. We can achieve much more working together as a team than as individuals. Should you have any question or problems do not hesitateShow MoreRelatedThe Initial Stage of Group Counseling702 Words   |  3 PagesSummary of Initial Stage of Group Initial stage of a group talks about the early phases of the counseling group and leads the facilitator through the necessary steps and characteristics. The counseling session goes through various characteristics. 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